In this section you will find information to help you run and maintain your Aerie or Auxiliary. Not finding a form you need? Let us know.

Aerie Forms

Auxiliary Forms


Download the information Poster

Requesting Grants

Grants for the Eagles Art Ehrmann Cancer Fund, D.D. Dunlap Kidney Fund, Lew Reed Spinal Cord Injury Fund, Max Baer Heart Fund, Diabetes Fund, Jimmy Durante Fund, Golden Eagle Fund, M. "Blackie" Floyd Alzheimer’s and Muscular Dystrophy Fund are made available every year to 501 (c) 3 organizations. Grants may only be given to Non-Profit Institutions, as dictated under the Articles of Incorporations of the Eagles and must conform to IRS requirements for Non-Profit Institutions. Grants are paid directly to recipients for such purposes as stated in the Charity By-laws. Qualifying organizations include but are not limited to local hospitals, universities, camps, clinics. An exception to this rule would be the Children’s Christmas Shopping Sprees and HOME Fund Grants. Grants must be for research, education, equipment or supplies. Grant amounts can be anywhere from $500 to $5,000 for grants requested by the States and $6,000 to $10,000 for special charity projects.


Charity Poster

Charity Grant Instructions

Charity Grant Form

Grand President's Membership



Bulletin Contest

Children's Day

Events held between August 1 and June 1 of the following year are eligible for consideration in our Children’s Day contest. Once finished, Aeries/Auxiliaries can document the process and the successes of their events and mail the information along with an official entry form and any news coverage obtained to the Grand Aerie Headquarters for judging. A winner will be selected during the International Convention and announced to the public, with the winning group receiving a $3,000 grant from the Eagles' Jimmy Durante Children's Fund to be presented to a local organization of their choice.

Operation Eagle offers us the opportunity to show our support for those serving in the military.

In recognition of the service provided by members of the United States and Canadian militaries, the F.O.E. holds an annual Operation Eagle program that supplies Eagles or children of Eagles members who are serving overseas with goods and necessities donated by members across our jurisdiction. Aeries and Auxiliaries donate thousands of dollars and items each year to be sent out to our recipients in time for the holiday season.



Copyright 2018 by
Iowa Fraternal Order of Eagles