Iowa Chapters

State Chapters

Centerville #2675

Iowa City #695

Sheldon #2297

Burlington #150

Des Moines #109

Grinnell #2545

Manchester #3538

Cedar Rapids #2272

Shenandoah #3849

Albia #3583

Oskaloosa #276

Tama - Toledo #2828

Eagle Riders Mission Statement


To have fun in a family oriented organization, dedicated to the enjoyment of motorcycles, safe riding and promoting the Fraternal Order of Eagles.


Eagle Riders offers members with an interest in motorcycle riding to organize and put together charitable events while doing what they love. Each year, Eagle Riders groups across the United States and Canada raise money through Poker Run events and other motorcycle activities that help unite community members and build a passion and appreciation for our surrounding landscapes.












New York





South Dakota




9th Annual Eagle Rider Rally July 28-30, 2017 - Cedar Rapids

posted 4/20/2017



Registration Form

Hotel Information



Early Registration $35/person

must be received by June 30, 2017

Late Registration $40/person


Registration includes: t-shirt, poker run, evening meal and dance

Directions (maps of run route), tshirts, poker cards will be given at the rally. 1 hand per paid rider included, extra hand may be purchased at rally.


Friday, July 28 - social gathering/hangout - Hotdogs and Hamburgers


Saturday, July 29 - poker run, dinner and dance

8-10am  Registration for those who have NOT per-registered

Free will coffee and donuts

9-10:30am Poker Run check in, tshirts handed out

10:30am Kickstands up

5:30pm (appox, depending on ride times)

7:30 Silent Auction Starts

8pm to Midnight Eagles Wing Band playing


Sunday, July 30

8-11am All you can eat pancake breakfast $6. Put on by Past Presidents.


Eagle Rider Update (4-24-2017)

The Iowa Eagle Riders have grown over the past few months. Please welcome Tama, Albia and Oskaloosa to the Iowa Eagle Riders. Red Oak is just about set up. If you are near any of these Aeries or want to go on a road trip, please check them out.


Tama Eagle Riders will be hosting a Poker Run on May 13th.


State Raffle for the Eagle Riders will again be held. The tickets are getting to the Eagle Riders now and it will only cost you $5.00 per ticket to get in on the chance to win up $1,800.00 dollars in cash. The money raised will go to this years State Charity.


 July 28th, 29th and 30th will be our State Rally for the Iowa Eagle Riders. The rally will be in Cedar Rapids. You can ride your bike, drive your car or bring a bus load of your closest friends.  There will be more information below.

Iowa Eagle Riders - Dennis (Chief) Walkup

State Raffle Tickets are for sale


1st place - $1,000

2nd Place - $600.00

3rd place - $200.00

Drawing held June 15 at Iowa State Convention. Need NOT be present to win.



Eagle Rider State Convention Cook Out

Food, bike show (voting on best of show), music and drawing


Insurance Form

All Eagle Rider members need to send in their beneficiary information to continue to offer this benefit.


Bike Show & Cook Out

Friday, June 16, 2017 Parking lot at Holiday Inn

Bike show from 6-9pm

Burgers, baked beans, potato salad, and chips will be served.

50/50 raffle


Help is needed to help cook, serve and sell 50/50 tickets.

The Grand have amended the statutes that lumped all of the internal units into one section, 116.1. So if your By-Law reference section 116.5 you need to change that to 116.1. The Eagle Riders will be under the control of the local Aeries. The Grand will still issue the charters for any new Eagle Rider Group and a copy of the By-Laws that have been approved by the Aerie still needs to be sent to the Grand for record purposes only. There is no additional liability for the Aerie.



Copyright 2018 by
Iowa Fraternal Order of Eagles